Party 19. - 20.11.10 · Club · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: Astrix Hallucinogen Dejavoo LogicaX-NoiZe Prometheus Mood Deluxe Libra 9 Zeus Avalon Liquid Ross Neutrino Matt Loraine vs Andi Leppard Andy ForseInfo: After a break for summer the Halycon crew is back from putting on and playing at some of the world’s best festivals to bring you a party of truly epic proportions. With every DJ on the line-up a headl…Location: Ewer Street Warehouse, London, SE1 0NR Vorbei: 14j 3m · 2.097 · Eingetragen von Tara Fotos0 People Halcyon Warehouse Party London · Großbritannien Fr., 19.11.10, 22:00 - Sa., 20.11., 07:00= 9stdClub · Vorbei: 14j 3m