Party 04. - 05.06.05 · Open Air · n/a, Schweden / 2 Line-Up: Secret surprise live act.Ukiro (Norrlandsmaffian, Sweden) Ayahuasca (EarthDome, Sweden) Infra (IMB/Pannlampa, Sweden) Matt With An S (SunshineTribe/STP, Sweden) Goa Gubbar (Flamefactor, Sweden)Info: Goa Gubbar would like to welcome you to a astonishing soul, mind and body experience. For 14 hours you get to engage in a tremendous wandering of the paths that our Djs will set for you. A wandering t…Location: If you live outside of Sweden and would like to join spirit… Vorbei: 19j 9m · 1.934 · Eingetragen von oCtodur Fotos0 People goaway 2005 n/a · Schweden Sa., 04.06.05, 20:00 - So., 05.06., 10:00= 14stdOpen Air · / 2 · Vorbei: 19j 9m