Party 31.08. - 01.09.13 · Club · Shanghai, Volksrepublik China Line-Up: ॐ Paul Taylor (Kundalini Records, UK) ॐ Gotama (GoaProductions, BE) Rigelmade (GoaProductions, IT) Kodama (Magic Garden, BE) Yoshinage (Asian Vibes, JP) ॐInfo: After bring you Aphid Moon and Ecliptic, GoaProductions is proud to be bring a genuine Psytrance legend to China! Paul Taylor Paul has consistently been a prominent figure of the global Psytranc…Location: The Shelter 5 Yongfu Lu, near Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路5号, 近复兴西路 Vorbei: 11j 6m · 1.025 · Eingetragen von Gotama Fotos0 People GoaProductions presents Paul Taylor 2013 China Tour - Shanghai Shanghai · Volksrepublik China Sa., 31.08.13, 22:00 - So., 01.09., 06:00= 8stdClub · Vorbei: 11j 6m