Party 30.11. - 01.12.13 · Indoor · Cella di Noceto PR, Italien Line-Up: * GEOMANTIC Main stage * SAVAGE CIRCUIT live (Alchemy Rec/Free Spirit Rec) UK SIDEFORM live (TesseracT Studio) SR POLARSHIFT live (Eudaimonia)* GEOMANTIC Main stage * SiR (Different Reality) PIERO (Nataraja Temple) OFFLABEL vs GROUGE (Offlabel crew) NICO (Goaproject) * RETRODELIC GOLD stage * NICHOLAS (Magma Rec) PIERO (Goa Head, Space…Info: Goa Sunrise present MULTIVERSE: Space ship for a journey out of time and space Through the multiple and endless realities the "multiverse" is evolving, quantic sequenced endless portals, hig…Location: RIO DELL' ACQUA via Gabbiano 24 Cella di Noceto, Parma Vorbei: 11j 3m · 3.172 · Eingetragen von Goa Sunrise Fotos0 People Goa Sunrise present MULTIVERSE - 3 Stage Cella di Noceto PR · Italien Sa., 30.11.13, 22:30 - So., 01.12., 07:30= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 3m