Party 25. - 26.01.14 · Indoor · PINEROLO, Italien Line-Up: PURPLE RAVER ( Blacklite Rec) ITA Purple Raver is the Psy Trance project of Lucio Munari, italian musician & sound engineer based in Turin, Italy. He has played Classical music for many years and has…KIMIK YIU (Blacklite Rec) ITA Kimik Yiu a.k.a. Yuri Merenda was born in Pisa in 1989. He starts getting involved in club's minimal music and techno in 2006. From there, he begins his own way as a dj,…Info: ॐ Semantik Om & Frankie Lord Flames ॐ Welcome On Board Tribe!! This the first meeting we offer you in 2014.. for the first time in Italy we have the big pleasure to present you Frankie Lord Flames:… Vorbei: 11j 1m · 1.427 · Eingetragen von SemantiK-Om Fotos0 People ॐ GOA SPIRIT ॐ Pinerolo · Italien · Karte Sa., 25.01.14, 22:00 - So., 26.01., 06:30= 8std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 1m