Party 21. - 22.12.23 · Indoor · Wien, Österreich Line-Up: Shinsekai Gretchen Bazooka Katana Smart ExportInfo: +++UPDATED VENUE AND DATE+++ Due to internal issues our previous location had to cancel :( The event is now happening on Thursday, 21st, at RHIZ! +++++ 🔥✨~ Em…Location: rhiz, U-Bahnbogen 37, 1080 Wien Vorbei: 1j 5std · 282 · Eingetragen von DYNaMIC Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People GLOBAL FYRE x DYNAMIC - XMAS RAVE Wien · Österreich · Karte Do., 21.12.23, 22:00 - Fr., 22.12., 04:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 1j 5std