Party 29. - 30.12.12 · Indoor · Antwerp, Belgien Line-Up: - ATTIK (MEX) (1st time in Belgium) - HYPNOISE (ESP) (1st time in Belgium) - BITKIT (BE) (Exclusive Retro set!!) - MIKARI (DE) - D-THER (BE)- Foose - Norion - Electric Lord -2Cb - ApoInfo: Soundsystem: DS Sound For your pleasure: Shops, Foodstalls, Massage, room for over 400+ people!!! Please have respect for everyone who's working for you to make this another wonderful experience: No o…Location: Royal Antwerp tennisclub Mariastraat 10 2160 Wommelgem Vorbei: 12j 2m · 2.461 · Eingetragen von Dj Foose Fotos0 People GanjaTree Records Presents: Level Up Antwerp · Belgien Sa., 29.12.12, 22:00 - So., 30.12., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 2m