Party 17. - 18.12.16 · Indoor · brabant wallon, Belgien Line-Up: LINE UP: - SHIVALAYAM : psysomatic recs (live / it) - DHARMA : looney moon recs (live / it) - LUCID MANTRA : green tree recs (live) - HASHIN : green tree recs/elektro magetik recs (live) - OMNI…Info: prived party so with reservation at max 250 pp be respect full & discret full just for the familly so just invite your friends ;) close to tubize (please be discretfull about it) all details ll be sen… Vorbei: 8j 2m · 1.816 · Eingetragen von Emmanuel Van nespen Fotos0 People Gaganesh get Tibidibidi brabant wallon · Belgien · Karte Sa., 17.12.16, 22:00 - So., 18.12., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 2m