Party 20. - 21.07.24 · In- & Outdoor · Guatemala City, Guatemala Line-Up: We are honored to present a Mega Line Up! carefully selected to provide you with a quality AudioVisual experience. On this occasion we are pleased to present 2 Great Female Artists in our Line Up! who…Info: We are pleased to celebrate the process of the Full Moon Saturday, July 20 since that night it will be at 98% luminosity and Radiance. So we decided to celebrate with a good meeting to dance and sh…Location: Jardin Secreto, 6 Avenida, Guatemala, zona 1, Centro Histórico., 01001 Guatemala City Vorbei: 7m 21t · 144 · Eingetragen von Mario Decologyk Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People FULL MOON GATHERING (Urban Edition) Guatemala City · Guatemala · Karte Sa., 20.07.24, 16:30 - So., 21.07., 01:00= 8std 30minIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 7m 21t