Party 26.01.08, 23:30 - 23:30 · Club · Athens, Griechenland Line-Up: SILICON SOUND DJ SET [Neurobiotic /Turbo Trance] Silicon Sound's musical career starts out quite exceptionally with his first album "Pure Analog", released in 2003. Due to the quality of his…Info: first 100 people win FREE CDS from old Freeze issues like:psyharmonics cd, flying rhino cd and many more... supported and infos :Location: PULSE Club 11 Aristofanous Str. Psiri Area, Athens Vorbei: 17j 1m · 1.427 · Eingetragen von sepal2004 Fotos0 People Freeze mgzn Presents Silicon Sound 26 january 2008 Athens · Griechenland Sa., 26.01.08, 23:30 - 23:30= jetztClub · Vorbei: 17j 1m