Party 02. - 03.03.19 · Indoor · Buenos Aires, Argentinien Line-Up: Marian Matazombie (Black Eclosion Recs) Mutana Kataro (Ovnimoon Recs) Jyagan, Gabi Palma, TEV-XInfo: Free party in downtown Buenos Aires, following the famous series of FREEPA in BS another chapter of this famous saga, due to the nature of psy in the capital of Argentina we have decided to mantain lo…Location: Very close to the Obelisco, message for details Vorbei: 6j 9t · 760 · Eingetragen von Mutana Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People FREEPA Buenos Aires · Argentinien · Karte Sa., 02.03.19, 23:00 - So., 03.03., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 6j 9t