Party 02. - 03.12.16 · Indoor · Barcelona, Spanien Line-Up: SALA 1 (Freedom floor) LINEUP : BATTOUSAI (live) (Magnitud rec, FFM Bookings) pt. Ricardo Marques was born in Lisbon, and he is the founder of Magnitud Records. His constant travels transforms his mu…Info: On the 2nd of Dicember we join again to celebrate FREEDOM FESTIVAL witch happen again next year in Portugal. So get ready, prepare your mind body & soul, we promise you a unique journey full of colou…Location: Venue - " CASINO " Carrer del Penedès, 40, 08820 E… Vorbei: 8j 3m · 1.607 · Eingetragen von Dimension X Fotos0 People FREEDOM FESTIVAL - TEASER PARTY Barcelona · Spanien · Karte Fr., 02.12.16, 23:30 - Sa., 03.12., 06:00= 6std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 3m