Party 29. - 30.11.08 · Indoor · Biel-Bienne, Schweiz / 3 Line-Up: A-TEAM (Israel) Nutek Records,1 time in Switzerland ! PLASMOTEK (France) Mandala Records will present his new album ''lifted'' SUPERCELL Fractal Records/Room 31 RecPAINKILLER VS BLISS (Israel) Nutek Records / Phantasm Records SOLARIS Fractal Records Will present his new compilation ''Fractal Energy 2'' DJANE JAZZMINE (Germany) Magnetikagency /BMSS WINDKIND Fract…Info: !! Event on 2 nights !! Friday night: 1 dancefloor (21h-12) capacity 400 people Saturday night: 2 dancefloors (20h-15h) capacity 1100 people This Event will be created to celebrate with us the venue o…Location: BIELLA FACTORY, Rue Alexander Schoni 30, Alexander-Schöni 30… Vorbei: 16j 3m · 5.932 · Eingetragen von gamagoblin Fotos0 People FRACTAL ENERGY 2 (2 Nights Gathering) Biel-Bienne · Schweiz Sa., 29.11.08, 20:00 - So., 30.11., 15:00= 19stdIndoor · / 3 · Vorbei: 16j 3m