Party 25. - 26.08.23 · Open Air · Zagreb, Kroatien Line-Up: •EERIEGEIST live (New Skulls Rec., Square Lab Music., Purple Hexagon Rec.) [MEX] •HOLONDRILO live (New Skulls Rec., Reversible Rec., Purple Hexagon Rec.) [MEX] •CONAMI KODE live (New Skulls Rec., D…Info: Big open air party in Zagreb area!!! New Skulls Records from Mexico is having a big label party in Croatia with massive world class lineup and 3 live acts! Come and join us ⋆ Tribes Decorations (ITA)…Location: Šumica Jankomir, Šumica Jankomir - write this on google maps!!!, 10020 Zagreb Vorbei: 1j 7m · 353 · Eingetragen von shandor108 Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People FORESTATION: LA FORESTACION II (New Skulls Label Party) Zagreb · Kroatien · Karte Fr., 25.08.23, 22:00 - Sa., 26.08., 09:00= 11stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 1j 7m