Party 09. - 10.07.11 · Open Air · Beijing, Volksrepublik China Line-Up: Pete (TipRecords/GoaProductions UK) Microgram (GoaProductions IL) Gotama (GoaPoductions BE) Aaron (CN Fugui (CICIPark CN) TPhrophet (Immersion System USA)Info: After searching the Beijing hinterland for party locations GoaProductions has managed to find a stunning area of natural beauty out in Huai Rou, a hidden valley up in the mountains. Come and experienc…Location: The Mountains Of Huairou!! Shentangyu Senic Area: 8km North… Vorbei: 13j 8m · 1.570 · Eingetragen von GoaProductions Fotos0 People ****FOREST MAGIC**** Beijing · Volksrepublik China Sa., 09.07.11, 18:00 - So., 10.07., 13:00= 19stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 13j 8m