Party 26. - 27.02.11 · Indoor · katwijk, Niederlande Line-Up: navcore, fullon/dark (iran) gopa, fullon/dark (nl) detox, dark (nl) Fractal, dark (nl) psychetek, dark (nl) benoni vs chamanuel, dark (nl)Info: party is on the same location as last time so check your fb network. It''s official! The goodbye party for Evelien! She leaves this country to find her luck in New Zealand, so be kind and wish her a l…Location: check your fb network Vorbei: 14j · 1.116 · Eingetragen von dinilysia Fotos0 People fear of the dark katwijk · Niederlande Sa., 26.02.11, 22:00 - So., 27.02., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 14j