Party 06. - 07.09.08 · Open Air · Halkidiki near of Sarti, Griechenland Line-Up: E.V.P. (Wildthings Rec.) UK Sample Bugs (Moonsun recs.) GR Polyphonia (Tantrumm recs.) GROrestis (Tantumm recs.) GR Drury Nevil (Tantrumm recs.) GR Looney (Digitalies) GR Soner (Psyvibes) GR Psyonic (Circle Dance Project) GR Bullis GRInfo: Banana bar is a magical place surrounded by big trees and a beautifull beach with view to Athos mountain (Agion oros). In the morning when the goes up you feel like nothing can go wrong in that day. T…Location: Banana beach bar in Halkidiki. Between Vourvourou and Sarti.… Vorbei: 16j 6m · 2.459 · Eingetragen von Circle Dance Project Fotos0 People E.V.P. / Sample bugs / Polyphonia / Orestis / Drury Nevil... Halkidiki near of Sarti · Griechenland Sa., 06.09.08, 20:00 - So., 07.09., 12:00= 16stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 16j 6m