Party 12. - 13.11.11 · Indoor · Mellieha -Ghadira , Malta Line-Up: EVP/Reality Grid Wildthings Rec Uk Soul Kontakt Bmss Rec GermanyAcid Tester Twisted Nature Nebula Chris NeegeeInfo: For foreigners attending the party - we suggest you take a taxi to the venue using (00356) 21374141 or (00356) 21374242, we reccomend them and we suggest that you avoid all white and black taxis for…Location: Maya Beach Club Mellieha - Ghadira - in the past it used to… Vorbei: 13j 3m · 2.605 · Eingetragen von natraj- dancing shiva Fotos0 People EVP - Electronic Virtual Psychedelia Mellieha -Ghadira · Malta Sa., 12.11.11, 22:00 - So., 13.11., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 3m