Party 07. - 08.12.24 · Indoor · Coalville, Großbritannien Line-Up: Evolve : 💥Sean Tyas (3hr set) 💥Alessandra Roncone 💥Renegade System 💥James Dymond 💥Davey Asprey 💥Andy Kelly 💥Missy Bebbo IllusiOm : 💥Champa 💥Overdrive 💥Audioscience 💥Thallom 💥Neutron 💥Multiverse 💥Anast…Info: Trance meets Psytrance as Evolve prepare to bring you the very best in banging up front new trance and IllusiOm prepare to bring you the hottest new and psychedelic Psytrance in what can only be descr…Location: The Emporium, 71 Belvoir Road, LE67 Coalville Vorbei: 14t 4std · 75 · Eingetragen von Champa Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Evolve vs IllusiOm Coalville · Großbritannien · Karte Sa., 07.12.24, 19:00 - So., 08.12., 05:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 14t 4std