Party 28. - 29.05.04 · Indoor · Near Antwerp/ Belgium, Deutschland Line-Up: SHAWNODESE (Inpsyde Media - The Netherlands) MOUSHKA (Element Records - Belgium) RKL Vs. POXY (Lunatic Productions - Belgium) AZRAEL Vs. SIDDHARTHA (Drona Vs. Balls In Space - Belgium) PSYVADER (Yndyc…Info: this a benefitparty for a good friend of ours, who had a terrible accident in december (she got hit by a car, the driver just drove away), she was in a coma for 7 months, but miraculously she recov…Location: In a tunnel in an old fort, surrounded by lakes and a forest… Vorbei: 20j 9m · 1.676 · Eingetragen von MoWGLi Fotos0 People Eva's Benefitparty Near Antwerp/ Belgium · Deutschland Fr., 28.05.04, 22:00 - Sa., 29.05., 11:00= 13stdIndoor · Vorbei: 20j 9m