Party 23. - 25.05.14 · Open Air · Stockholm, Schweden Line-Up: We start the swedish season with a small gathering with pure psychedelic music in the swedish forest! . MindGamers Presents: ☯Logic Bomb (Tip Rec.) Sweden ☯Tranan (Tip Rec.) Sweden ☯Whrikk (Moon Kor…☯Bsr ( MindGamers) ☯Omsun (Moon Koradji Rec.) Ukraina ☯Dennis The Menace (Tribal Vision Rec.) ☯Seki-Kmeki (Treetrolla Rec.) Ukraina ☯Infra (Devils Mind Rec.) ☯Icaruz (Uroboros / Maia Brasil Rec…Info: Soundsystem: Nexo Alpha Clothes: Yggdrasil Clothing is a conscious mobile shop with focus on fair-traded & organic clothes and accessories, all with that psychedelic touch we love . We collaborate wi…Location: Near Stockholm. Vorbei: 10j 9m · 2.552 · Eingetragen von BSR Fotos0 People Elves And Goblins Part II (3 days) By MindGamers Stockholm · Schweden Fr., 23.05.14, 22:00 - So., 25.05., 10:00= 1t 12stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 10j 9m