Party 31.12. - 01.01.15 · Indoor · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: ★ Elixir :: Full Om Psy Trance Main Stage ★ Sonic Species Hypnocoustics Allaby Darshan Nick Sentience Shane Gobi Liquid Ross Neill Moore Dexter Razzek Nikki S Thall Om - - ★ SecretSoma Stage ★ DreadDe…Info: Celebrating our 20th event, our 5th NYE and 4 Year of Elixir of Life. Join us and our finest friends, DJs, artists, production crews and party people for a very special celebration.Location: Special New Venue Vorbei: 10j 1m · 988 · Eingetragen von Elixir Events Fotos0 People Elixir of Life - New Year's Celebration - 2014 ∞ 2015 London · Großbritannien Mi., 31.12.14, 22:00 - Do., 01.01.15, 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 1m