Party 16. - 17.03.13 · Indoor · Paris, Frankreich Line-Up: MESMERIZER Mechanik rds / Fr HYPER FREQUENCIES Mandala rds / FrOlive / Life extension / Mandala rds Silver / Neo Tek Spirits / Anthares Zephyr / Original Psy Vibration Acid Noise / Neo Tek Spirits Dara / A2M / Tekdown Yab Yum / Neo Tek Spirits Quazar / Origin…Info: Infoline : 0892563672*1 code 162013 Capacity: 500 peoples D&B sound system 22H - 12H 14h of Music !!! Goa village / Petit déj offert / Cool bar (1,2,3,4,5 eur) Info et accréditation des stands: 1 cd o…Location: 25 min from Paris, with RER access and free shuttle Vorbei: 11j 10m · 1.235 · Eingetragen von Silver Fotos0 People ELEKTRIP VIBES Paris · Frankreich Sa., 16.03.13, 22:00 - So., 17.03., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 10m