Party 19. - 20.05.07 · Indoor · Obergünzburg,zwischen Lindau,Ulm,München, Deutschland Line-Up: ***** ROCKY (Chemical Crew, Israel, V/A "SHIVA" Midijum Records)) >>>presents new tracks fr…***** Dj Rocky ( Chemical Crew, Israel) ***PRESENTS NEW COMPILATION " PSYCHEDELIC HIGH 2 "*** ****…Info: This the birthdayparty from funky g-star Change the floors during the party and u will feel the ELECTRO PANIC!!! Unser Shuttle-Bus Abfahrt 21.30 Uhr am Kemptner HBF - Reservierung unter 01716703713…Location: Club Go In Obergünzburg Vorbei: 17j 9m · 3.598 · Eingetragen von EL Fabio Fotos0 People ELECTRO PANIC the electronic gathering Obergünzburg,zwischen Linda… · Deutschland Sa., 19.05.07, 22:00 - So., 20.05., 09:30= 11std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 9m