Party 07. - 08.04.12 · Indoor · Shanghai, Volksrepublik China Line-Up: Kodama (Magic Garden Concept, BE) Gotama (GoaProductions, BE)Info: J.C. has risen from the grave, and a rabbit is hiding eggs all over the place. But Shanghai party animals want a little more from Spring and Belgian psychedelic space cadets Kodama and Gotama are prov…Location: 47 Yongfu lu, near Fuxing lu Vorbei: 12j 11m · 658 · Eingetragen von Gotama Fotos0 People Easter Beats Shanghai · Volksrepublik China Sa., 07.04.12, 22:00 - So., 08.04., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 12j 11m