Party 04. - 05.02.17 · Indoor · Nicosia, Zypern Line-Up: Exact location will be announced later this week as well with 100 limited Pre-sale tickets. Tickets at the door will be 20e +drink and pre-sale tickets 15e +drink We reccomend you to arrive early and…Location: Nikosia, Distrikt Lefkoşa, Republik Zypern Nicosia Vorbei: 8j 1m · 411 · Eingetragen von kitsis Fotos0 People EarthPulse Pre-Party (Vol1) Nicosia · Zypern · Karte Sa., 04.02.17, 20:00 - So., 05.02., 06:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 1m