Party 20. - 21.09.14 · Indoor · London, Brixton, Großbritannien Line-Up: GMS (DJ set) 1200 MICS (DJ set) MARK ALLEN (Return To The Source) DJ KRISTIAN THALLOM (Cohesion) PSIBINDI (Aphid Records) + Trancendance residents SHAKTI DAVE OM Chillout Room IACCHUS Live DHUNA Live…Info: NEW EARTHDANCE LONDON PSY TRANCE EVENT! Earthdance is a conscious Gathering of the Tribes event, bring together the Global Family to unify our collective intentions for peace. ♥ Together, we create…Location: The Electric, Brixton Town Hall Parade London Vorbei: 10j 4m · 1.648 · Eingetragen von Shakti Trancendance Fotos0 People Earthdance London Feat: GMS & 1200 Mics London, Brixton · Großbritannien Sa., 20.09.14, 22:00 - So., 21.09., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 4m