Party 13. - 14.09.08 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Niederlande / 1 Line-Up: LiftShiftBart (Namaste, Earthdance) Yucka (Cosmic Combination) Kriya (Universo Paralello) Shitaki (Empathy)Info: The Amsterdam edition of the annual Earthdance festival for peace has a long history of experimentation with her vision and has been with the global event since the 1996 inception. When the club Tranc…Location: Check the website Vorbei: 16j 3m · 2.147 · Eingetragen von Kim @ Earthdance Netherlands Fotos0 People Earthdance Amsterdam 2008 Amsterdam · Niederlande Sa., 13.09.08, 22:00 - So., 14.09., 08:00= 10stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 16j 3m