Party 15. - 16.09.07 · Indoor · Koog aan de Zaan (near Amsterdam), Niederlande Line-Up: Ozmali Prayer for Peace ceremony by the Keepers of FrequencyTwisted progressive trance DJ Mars (9LoH) DJ Saaf (Citizen, Flow Records) DJ Bart (Namasté) DJ Psyclone (N-gen)Info: Earthdance, the global dance festival for peace. Synchronizing during the Prayer for Peace Sunday 16 September 01AM local Amsterdam time. Join us, or join the webcast!Location: De Waakzaamheid Hoogstraat 4 1541 KX Koog a/d Zaan Public tr… Vorbei: 17j 5m · 1.078 · Eingetragen von Kim @ Earthdance Netherlands Fotos0 People Earthdance 2007 - Koog aan de Zaan Koog aan de Zaan (near Amst… · Niederlande Sa., 15.09.07, 22:00 - So., 16.09., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 5m