Party 24. - 25.04.10 · Open Air · around London, Großbritannien / 2 Line-Up: Alien Mental/ Sonic Skizzors (India/ USA) DeepBrianFromBosis - Peak Rec (UK) Derango - Parvati Rec (SWE) Electrypnose - 2 to 6 Rec (Switzerland) EVP - Wildthings Rec (UK) Jibber Jabber/ zik alien (TIM…Full Lotus - Kethu Rec/ Wonkay Rec - (UK) DJ Ant - Mind Expansion REC/ PsYcRoWdElicA - (GER) Benz23 - Peak Rec - (UK) Cannibal Crow - PsYcRoWdElicA - (GER) Cyberwlf - Nabi Rec - (AS/UK) Devi@ntt - Won…Info: Sound System - Bus Tune Sound 15k NEW crystal clean tops and throbbing chest bass. Security - ----- Healing & First Aid. Viking tents with fire will hos…Location: Location: Outside London somewhere - location info will be e… Vorbei: 14j 10m · 9.815 · Eingetragen von Psychedelic Traveller Fotos0 People D.M.T in Echo Vortex around London · Großbritannien Sa., 24.04.10, 22:00 - So., 25.04., 12:00= 14stdOpen Air · / 2 · Vorbei: 14j 10m