Party 16. - 17.08.13 · Indoor · Vienna, Österreich Line-Up: Muscaria Live-Set []=== DJ X.P. VOODOO (Goa-Freaks.Com / Russia, Goa) === The pioneer, founder and the legend of trance culture in Russia, par…Info: Dear Goa-people of Austria! We invite you to a very special and killa party, where you have a chance to see and listen to a DJ-set of world goa-trance legend, producer and pioneer of goa-scene in Russ…Location: Weberknecht 2.1 Lerchenfeldergürtel 47-49 1160 Wien :::zwisc… Vorbei: 11j 5m · 2.052 · Eingetragen von aura Fotos0 People DJ X.P. VOODOO (Russia, Goa) - first time in Austria Vienna · Österreich · Karte Fr., 16.08.13, 22:00 - Sa., 17.08., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 5m