Party 03. - 06.06.11 · In- & Outdoor · Amsterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: VIDEO OF OUR LAST EVENT - INFINITE PROGRESSIONS EMAIL your MOBILE to receive details and address of the party to: 3rd June - PRE PARTY !!! 4th June - WAREHOUSE PARTY !!! 2 STAGES !!! 5th June - AFTER…Info: Much more to come, watch this space !!! FacebookLocation: 3rd June - AKHNATON - PRE PARTY 4th June - WAREHOUSE - PARTY… Vorbei: 13j 9m · 2.826 · Eingetragen von Global Digital Masters Fotos0 People DIGITAL goes DUTCH 3-5 JUNE 2011 Amsterdam · Niederlande Fr., 03.06.11, 22:00 - Mo., 06.06., 12:00= 2t 14stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 13j 9m