Party 10. - 11.07.16 · Open Air · Krynica Morska, Polen Line-Up: ♫ MAIN STAGE ♫ ♪ Will o Wisp LIVE ACT [Dark Prisma Records - Argentina] - ♪ Glosolalia LIVE ACT [Dark Prisma Records - Argentina] - ♪ Quantum Mechanica LIVE ACT [Dark Prisma Records - Argentina] -…Info: Dharma Collective would like to invite you to another, fourth edition of the festival. This year gathering energy from the four elements, we will be able to again dive into sounds traveling through th… Vorbei: 8j 7m · 686 · Eingetragen von ochen_lesnaszajka Fotos0 People DHARMA FESTIVAL 2016 Krynica Morska · Polen · Karte So., 10.07.16, 20:00 - Mo., 11.07., 16:00= 20stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 8j 7m