Party 14.06.08, 11:00 - 23:00 · Open Air · Amsterdam, Niederlande / 1 Line-Up: Day Trip Destinations: - Scandinavia: DJ Peter Didjital (Digital Structures, SWE) DJ Atmos (Digital Structures, SWE) Sensient (Zenon Records, AUS) - live DJ Dick Trevor (Nano Records, UK) Ocelot (Zaik…Info: A festival where even the locals become total tourists! Day-Trip is the first festival where you can not tell the difference between foreigners and locals, because they all behave and dress like total…Location: Sloterparkbad / Amsterdam West >> Transport Update <… Vorbei: 16j 7m · 3.028 · Eingetragen von Satyr Fotos0 People Day Trip - Amsterdam Tourist Festival Amsterdam · Niederlande Sa., 14.06.08, 11:00 - 23:00= 12stdOpen Air · / 1 · Vorbei: 16j 7m