Party 14. - 15.02.09 · Indoor · rotterdam, Niederlande Line-Up: navcore (iranianpower) fullon/dark psychetek (freakpower) dark dinilysia ( terrible destroyer) dark detox (cosmic combonation) fullon/dark PsykoAktive (BuddhaMantra Rec./Ritmik-State Org.) fullon/dark…Info: entree by mailinglist music by N2O soundsystem (7.5kw) entree, donation at the door whit special act party organised bij gerard, dj dinilysiaLocation: rotterdam, marconistraat between nr. 37 its the second build… Vorbei: 16j · 1.931 · Eingetragen von dinilysia Fotos0 People dark valentine rotterdam · Niederlande Sa., 14.02.09, 22:00 - So., 15.02., 09:00= 11stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j