Party 10. - 11.06.11 · Open Air · East Flanders, Belgien Line-Up: _ Cosmic Lizard LIVE (Arcade Disfunction) _ Dementalist (madness.Development) _ Shango (Arcade Disfunction) _ Dark Euforia (Arcade Disfunction, 9th Circle) _ Narcosmix (madness.Development) _ Yuu Rei…Info: Third annual Dark Side of Magic party. Free open air gathering in nature for freaks & faeries. 50.912427,4.009298 Train station: HAALTERT - Follow the white stripes **SPOT WILL BE COVERED FOR RAIN** O…Location: Same nature location as last year. Make your reservations at… Vorbei: 13j 9m · 2.569 · Eingetragen von Yuu Rei Fotos0 People Dark Side of Magic - FREE OPEN AIR [by madness.Development ] East Flanders · Belgien Fr., 10.06.11, 22:00 - Sa., 11.06., 14:00= 16stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 13j 9m