Party 23. - 24.04.10 · Indoor · Hamburg, Deutschland / 4 Line-Up: Conxion (Fullmoon Records / Damaru Records)Ilse (Parvati Records) presents his new compilation "Brainzcrew" and you are the first having the opportunity to buy it !!!! Bull (Plazmalab) Mitra (Damaru Records) presents his new comp…Location: Juice Club - Stresemanstrasse 204 Vorbei: 14j 10m · 3.716 · Eingetragen von ignis Fotos0 People Damaru - Dark & Psychedelic Hamburg · Deutschland Fr., 23.04.10, 23:00 - Sa., 24.04., 09:00= 10stdIndoor · / 4 · Vorbei: 14j 10m