Party 24.07.21, 13:00 - 22:00 · Open Air · Berlin, Deutschland Line-Up: !!!PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!! Here we go again!!! We are happy to invite u to our Summer Gathering!!! The party will take place: during the day time on the open air, under the open sky, in the yard of K…Info: Its gonna be a PRIVATE PARTY with limited number of participants!!! THERE WILL BE NO TICKETS AT THE ENTRY!!! So the entry will be only by the guest list - Just send us a private message on Facebook or… Vorbei: 3j 7m · 1.229 · Eingetragen von CyberBay records Fotos0 Meeting0 People CyberBay Summer Gathering OA Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 24.07.21, 13:00 - 22:00= 9stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 3j 7m