Party 28. - 29.10.05 · Indoor · Groningen, Niederlande Line-Up: Gen6 (Planet B.E.N Rec. Sweden) Mad Contrabender (Medijum Rec. NL)Sally doolally (Plastik Park Rec. UK ) Paulina Cewe (Planet B.E.N Rec Sweden) Poli Psy ( NL Clare (Psypicnic) UK Yannick vs Psy vader (Yndyqa) BE Scoul vs Erzo (Psynami) NL Flumo (Beata…Info: Hello Party Freaks For those who missed Chaotic Theory Last year @ Simplon which was the Far out most best held party in Simplon Psytrance Experience...This your oppurtunity to have a exelent ev…Location: Simplon...Boterdiep 69 Groningen. ( Netherlands ) Vorbei: 19j 1m · 2.062 · Eingetragen von Dj Poli Psy Fotos0 People Cubicular Groningen · Niederlande Fr., 28.10.05, 23:00 - Sa., 29.10., 08:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 19j 1m