Party 23. - 24.03.07 · Indoor · London Vauxhall 23rd MARCH, Großbritannien Line-Up: ~LIVE ACTS~ WIZACK TWIZACK (Stone Age REC & Hypnotica REC) SWE PROCS (Trishula REC) SWE~DJ SETS~ G.O.W. (Grapes Of Wrath) MONNO (Parvati REC) DK GACID (Phar-psyde REC) association with Divinemusictribe UK ELDEN Acid Bear Strangler (Diveinmusictribe)UK Devi@nTT (Wonkay/Turned Toon) GUESTInfo: Crystal Field & Divinemusictribe welcome ~THE PARADOX~ This a rebirth from the "norm" for whatever "YOU" think the norm is meant? This a journey through the divine moment of…Location: London Vauxhall 23RD MARCH DATE ALERT Vorbei: 17j 11m · 1.791 · Eingetragen von Cortex UV Arts Fotos0 People Crystal Field & Divinemusictribe Welcome ~THE PARADOX~ London Vauxhall 23rd MARCH · Großbritannien Fr., 23.03.07, 22:00 - Sa., 24.03., 07:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 11m