Party 03. - 04.06.00 · Indoor · Atlanta GA, Vereinigte Staaten Line-Up: Analog Pussy (Hadshot Haheizar Records, Germany/Israel) / DJ Spiritual Being - LIVE (UWM, FL)DJ George Acosta (UWM, Ultra Records, FL) / DJ Brian (Moonshine Records, LA) ... and more!Info: * this event is by 6 local promoters: Hope Tribe Collective, Smiling Cat, Circle Of The Earth, Khaos, Chan-Clan & Vinyl Boy Productions. * Druming circle, Fire-Eaters, Theatrical Dancers, Freaks in Fr…Location: 'The Globe Theatre' - 1599 D Memorial Drive, Atlanta GA. Vorbei: 24j 9m · 27 · Eingetragen von Fotos0 People Crossover Atlanta GA · Vereinigte Staaten Sa., 03.06.00, 22:00 - So., 04.06., 08:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 24j 9m