Party 18. - 20.05.18 · Open Air · Cluj, Rumänien Line-Up: ♫Yaminahua ( Osom-Music ) ♫Nocturne Creatures (Damaru / Masters of Puppets Rec.) ♫Dawood (Labyrinthine Crew) ♫Kounoupi ♫Oroboro (Anomalistic Recs.) ♫Audiokidnapping ♫Lysergyyka ♫Varazslo ( SACRE…Info: Time itself can act as a canvas for the music.Emotions, colours, feelings, bursting trough the speakers will fill our imagination in time. Let us create a chronosphere symphonia in which time exists…Location: Location will be updated soon !! Vorbei: 6j 9m · 1.241 · Eingetragen von Isoia Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People CRONOSPHERE SYMPHONIA Cluj · Rumänien · Karte Fr., 18.05.18, 19:00 - So., 20.05., 23:30= 2t 4stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 6j 9m