Party 24. - 25.09.16 · Indoor · veneto, Italien Line-Up: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ DJ'S ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ╰დ╮ૐ╭დ╯ LIVE ACT ╰დ╮ૐ╭დ╯ ★ ★ SONIC SPECIES ★ ★ [Alchemy Records / UK ] BIOGRAFIA /After the global success of 'Unleash The Beat', and a succession of hit tracks over the last few…Info: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ INFO ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`╰დ╮❤╭დ╯´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• ★ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOUBLESHOCK ★ ★ ★ HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE ★ ★ ´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`╰დ╮❤╭დ╯´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• ► ENTRY FEE ► PEACE ► LOVE ► O…Location: the address... contact me on: email: this info only a week u… Vorbei: 8j 5m · 1.675 · Eingetragen von Sara bonaldo Fotos0 People ॐ ॐ CREATIVE MIND II ★ SONIC SPECIES LIVE // NAIMA DJ veneto · Italien · Karte Sa., 24.09.16, 22:00 - So., 25.09., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 5m