Party 03. - 04.10.08 · Indoor · Newcastle upon Tyne, Großbritannien Line-Up: PSYSPACE Nanook (STRANGE DAZE, Manchester) Jon Kenobi (PSYPNEUMATIX RECORDS) Altruism (Conscious Monkeys, Sonic-Rites Collective, Newcastle) Si (Nebula, Northumberland)Info: Finest tea by Cush Teas Cafe! plus some lovely psyjewellery stalls.....lovely'!! Also we have the pleasure to be joined by : Burlesque Performers Miss Betina Spankenhaus and Titiana Tentalease through…Location: @the Cooperage, 32 Close Street (Quayside) Newcastle upon Ty… Vorbei: 16j 4m · 1.740 · Eingetragen von irishfaery Fotos0 People Conscious Monkeys Newcastle upon Tyne · Großbritannien Fr., 03.10.08, 21:00 - Sa., 04.10., 03:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 4m