Party 16. - 17.09.11 · Indoor · Antwerp, Belgien Line-Up: SELECT PROJECT (Ru) - First Time in Belgium!Yuu Rei (madness.Development - AD Rec. - Evil Hertz Rec.) Dementalist (madness.Development - Evil Hertz Rec.) Dark Euforia (Arcade Disfunction, 9th Circle Rec.) Helloki (madness.Development - Arcade D…Info: Please make your reservation with full name of all guests at, you will be added to the guestlist. Confirmation with location will be sent one week prior to the party. Bring good vibes only :-)!Location: Private location in the city of Antwerp Vorbei: 13j 5m · 4.154 · Eingetragen von Yuu Rei Fotos0 People COMPUTER LANGUAGE - SELECT PROJECT (Ru) - Yuu Rei (Be) Antwerp · Belgien Fr., 16.09.11, 23:00 - Sa., 17.09., 07:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 5m