Party 27. - 28.11.15 · Club · Glasgow, Großbritannien Line-Up: 9:00-11:00 Hokseda (Communion) 11:00-1:00 Trypnautic (Shiva Sonic/Communion) 01:00-03:00 Mark McArthur (Communion/Shiva Sonic)Info: The nights are growing dark and the temperature dropping. Fear not... as Communion returns on the 27th for a night of fluro colours and banging beats. Featuring our resident DJs and guests this will b…Location: 36 Broomielaw, G1 4QN Glasgow, United Kingdom Vorbei: 9j 3m · 306 · Eingetragen von razdien Fotos0 People Communion Glasgow · Großbritannien · Karte Fr., 27.11.15, 21:00 - Sa., 28.11., 03:00= 6stdClub · Vorbei: 9j 3m