Party 04. - 05.06.11 · Club · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: *Savage Circuit Live (Alchemy)DJ's: *Pan (Chemistry) Plus residents: *SATI (PL) (Cohesion / Free-Spirit Records) *PROZAK (Cohesion / Free-Spirit Records) *Mr MUSH (Cohesion / Free-Spirit Records)Info: The last Cohesion was to be said! Amazing!!! As ever an amazing crowed! With lots of new faces to join the family :) We didn't finish until 10am :p The next Cohesion is Sat 4th June. And we are sure y…Location: 414 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London, SW9 8LF, UK Vorbei: 13j 9m · 1.599 · Eingetragen von prozak Fotos0 People Cohesion Summer Psy-Frolics 4th June 2011 London · Großbritannien Sa., 04.06.11, 23:00 - So., 05.06., 08:00= 9stdClub · Vorbei: 13j 9m