Party 01. - 02.07.17 · Club · Brixton-London, Großbritannien Line-Up: Champa N-core Thallom Neill Moore Digital Stone 3rd Vision CKInfo: Welcome back to another Cohesion PsyTrance Adventure!!! delighted for the return of CHAMPA for a 90 min set!!! plus many more for a night to remember invite all your good vibe friends and let's rock t…Location: Club 414-414Coldharbour lane, Brixton, sw9 8lf. Vorbei: 7j 8m · 426 · Eingetragen von Club 414 Fotos0 People Cohesion PsyTrance Adventure Brixton-London · Großbritannien Sa., 01.07.17, 23:00 - So., 02.07., 08:00= 9stdClub · Vorbei: 7j 8m