Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 08. - 09.05.09 · Club · Budapest, Ungarn Line-Up: SHULMAN live (Izrael) Mantradal zenekar (pszeudoambientmantra) Kökénylovas: szitár, Veena, Dilruba, Gera Attila: furuják, duda, klarinét, tárogató, Igaz Balázs: percussion, samplerKalumetInfo: The Shulman project comprised of Yaniv Shulman and later joined by Omri Harpaz, is considered one of the leading groups in the psychedelic chill out and ambient scene and have performed in large festi…Location: Cökxpôn Café Theater H-1095. Bp. Soroksári út 8-10. (Boráros… Vorbei: 15j 9m · 1.607 · Eingetragen von Pupilla Fotos0 People Cökxpôn Ambient Fest. SHULMAN live (Izrael) Budapest · Ungarn Fr., 08.05.09, 21:00 - Sa., 09.05., 04:00= 7stdClub · Vorbei: 15j 9m