Party 21. - 22.02.20 · Indoor · Kranj, Slowenien Line-Up: Chagadelia proudly presents the danish grandmaster and pioneer of groovy forest music; △ONKEL DUNKEL△ [PARVATI RECORDS] You know it's going to be a killer party with Parvati artists involved; We'v…Location: KLUB BAZEN KRANJ Stara cesta 25a Kranj Vorbei: 5j 21t · 690 · Eingetragen von NiBiRu Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Chagadelia presents: ONKEL DUNKEL [Parvati Records] Kranj · Slowenien · Karte Fr., 21.02.20, 23:00 - Sa., 22.02., 07:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 5j 21t